Pili Wu's profile

Marble Weaving / 編石


花東縱谷因地理位置及產業特性,有許多石材加工後的邊角料,大部分的材料因為造型面積不 完整,所以難以運用,也因此啟發了我們的想法,希望有效的將邊料重新運用,拼接成為可被 再次使用的面材。

巧妙的運用石材普遍的水刀及無縫拼接技術,結合傳統編織的幾何邏輯,將堅硬的石材轉化成 柔軟的圖案設計,以編織的意象拼貼成為多用途的完整面材,提升邊料再被使用的機率。

「編石」具有竹編輕盈的柔軟圖樣和大理石材獨特的穩固文理,連結在地的產業鍊、材質及色 彩,傳達台灣大理石獨特的質地與文化。

專案設計 / 邱彥璋 
設計企劃 / PiliWu-Design 
主辦單位 / 花蓮石材暨資源研究發展中心 
執行統籌 / Studio Shikai

Marble Weaving

The marble waste generated from stone processing is the main materials of Marble Weaving. We waterjet cut and seamlessly assemble the fragmented materials, organizing them with traditional bamboo weaving pattern. The waste is transformed into a new multipurpose panel material, and is given a greater chance to be used again.

Marble Weaving is characterized by soft bamboo-weaving pattern, moreover, has the feature of stable marble texture. It connects local industry chain, materials, and colors, to convey the unique texture and culture of marble from Taiwan.
Marble Weaving / 編石

Marble Weaving / 編石

The marble waste generated from stone processing is the main materials of Marble Weaving. We waterjet cut and seamlessly assemble the fragmented Read More
